Just added this to the copyright page of all of my books.

Dear Copyright Holders,

Did I quote a line from a song or a movie that you hold the copyright to? Are you thinking about suing me? My advice, don’t. I will scream bloody murder. I will scream it from the rooftops. I will go to court. I will lose. I will appeal. I will go to court again until the stupid laws are changed. You know that I have not taken any value from your work. You know I have taken no money from your pocket. Yes, you, copyright lawyer, choose to behave like a moral human being. Your raping of our culture will stop, and it will stop with me. Believe it.

If you want to quote up to 1,000 words of this work for your own devices, you officially have my permission. If you want to quote more than that, ask me and I will probably let you do it for free.

Taking science at face value is a willful disregard for the power of the human mind. It is a flight from the obvious fact that each time we open our eyes we create the world anew. We can only perceive based on what we are. We will NEVER see the universe for what it truly is, it is impossible. Asking why we perceive the universe that way we do is just as valid as quantifying those perceptions.