A huge thanks everyone who helped me out and told Amazon to make my book free. Special thanks to theharlequinfromutopia, the winner of a print copy of My Babylon Compete. Your book is on the way.

As of today My Babylon – Book One: Body is FREE on Amazon!

Can you do me one more favor? Go and download it from Amazon. Download it as many times as you want. Every download moves me up the charts and makes my book more visible.

As an indie author, I totally depend on people like you to get the word out. Once again, in appreciation, I will send an electronic copy of My Babylon – Book Two: Rose (or any other volume in the series) to anyone who downloads Book One from Amazon, reblogs this post, and sends me their email via ask. Please include your preferred format (mobi, epub, pdf, doc).

On October 13th, I’ll pick one person at random to mail a print copy of My Babylon Complete.

Thanks again for helping my dreams of being a successful writer come true.

I am so amazingly happy and grateful. I feel my tumblr followers are really the ones who did it.

What you are looking at is Amazon’s Bestsellers for free science fiction short stories. #1, is the self-publishing powerhouse, Hugh Howey, and his novella, Wool.

#2 Is Matchmaker – by me, James L. Wilber. 

This has been a fucking awesome birthday.

Oh, and it ranks 896 for ALL free books on Amazon, which means I will be extending the promotion through tomorrow.

In On Writing, Stephen King recommends writing your book with a specific people in mind, his Constant Reader. Not to market the book, but to write it for the people you hope will understand and enjoy it..

I wrote this book for me, my wife, and my friend Steve. I also wrote it for you, all the people on tumblr I find fascinating and enlightening. All the people who I would love to meet with, and drink coffee, and talk.

This is for you. I really think you’ll enjoy it. Thank you for the inspiration.

Please reblog if you plan on reading My Babylon.