Dream Journal


Putting this one out just to help encourage my fellow tumblr-dream folks. You know who you are. I haven’t had many things I remember recently, that seems to coincide with my amount of meditation. Less meditation = less remembered dreams.

I did, however, have a zombie dream which is always nice. I don’t remember much but I do recall teaching people how the sharpened shovel is one of the most effective weapons against zombies. People may complain about how the zombie genre seems to be overused now, and that may be true. But I know more people who consistently have zombie dreams than other other theme.

Here’s something I’m learning about my dreams. For the most part, I can make connections between what happens to me during a day and what I dream about. I only rarely have dreams that seem to explore something outside of my conscious experience.

Two, when I dream about things that may be slightly weird, but based on normal events, like work, I awaken drained and depressed. But I can have the most intense nightmares, ones where I wake up screaming, and the next day I am refreshed and happy. Being scared or experiencing horror is not the thing that bothers me. Experiencing the mundane does.