
Inktober day 8: star

In my most ambitious dreams, I illustrate my own version of the tarot. So, occasionally I just like to draw one-offs for fun. I tried to incorporate some of her usual attributes and symbols of the card’s meaning into her tattoos. I also did an overlay of gold mica on her so she’s shiny! there’s sort of a bit of a gif of it on my insta (x)

The Star is also just a really great card, and one I feel like we as a community could afford to draw right now – a symbol of hope, perseverance, and personal inner power.

The Hermetics of the later Greco-Egyptian era employed great
creativity in explaining complex mythological/archetypical concepts. One method
used was the creation of hybrid gods that more closely expressed the ideas they
wished to explore. The most famous being Hermanubis, a combination of Hermes,
in his role as a psychopomp, and Anubis who prepared the dead for their
journey. Of course, it is well known that the Hermetics saw Hermes and Thoth as
analogous (Hermes Trismegistus). Classically, Thoth also had a role as a
psychopomp, recording the weight of a person’s heart when they died, so that
they may be judged by Ma’at and found worthy to enter the afterlife. So I
present Thoth-Anubis, my Halloween costume for this year. I expect this mask
will show up in a future ritual.