Where is Everybody – Nine Inch Nails








Modest Mouse – The View

that’s sort of depressing lol

The Doctor Who theme song played on classic guitar?

Sounds good.

Take Me Out – Franz Ferdinand

Learning How to Smile – Everclear

Vale Decem (a.k.a. the song that played when the 10th Doctor regenerated)


The Life of a Mary Sue? D: wut.

Waiting Room by Switchblade Symphony…er…alright…o.O

Northern Lite – Alien Girl

Dream Journal


Had some smoke last night. I know that I had dreams but lost most of them upon waking. I only vaguely remember loosing a tooth in one of my dreams.

Dream Journal


This one needs some background. The Superbowl is coming to my town next year. It sucks that I am dreaming about it, as I despise professional sports in general. I assume it effects my subconscious because I used to work in hotels and these sort of events would be a great pain in the ass.

I dreamt my wife and I were going out to a bar while the Superbowl was going on. Interestingly, the town we travelled through seemed more like a combination of Kalamazoo and Sister Lakes, Michigan, where we used to live. Not much like Indianapolis. No surprise I dreamt about going out as we had visited our favorite place last night, the White Rabbit Cabaret.

The bar in my dream was an odd two story structure. Because of all the Superbowl people in town, we could find no place to park. In that strange sort of dream logic the bartender told us to go ahead and drive our car inside and park on the balcony. So I did, parking next to two other cars on a rickety looking wooden balcony, also occupied by several patrons.

The place was packed, not with the Superbowl crowd, but with the regulars. I didn’t actually know any of the people there (except my wife), but they all looked vaguely familiar, like folks we see at the White Rabbit. Someone on the balcony was celebrating a birthday. Though I don’t remember the actual words, I know I enjoyed some conversation with them.

When time came to go I went to pull my car out. As I suspected, parking on the balcony turned out to be a bad idea, as I crashed into the bar trying to leave. No one seemed upset about it, but I had to find another way home.

We started walking down the dark tree-lined streets. Occasionally passing others. We came upon three guys, college age. I was still in a good mood and asked them if they knew a good way to get us home. Smiling the whole time, they attacked me, knocking me down. Then they attacked my wife. When that happened I woke up in a panic.

One general observation from all this. It wasn’t drinking that prevented me from remembering my dreams as I had a couple last night. The only variable that sticks out now is skipping my meditation on the weekends.

Magick Working Journal


I am pretty stoked about the Occupy movement coming to Indianapolis. I knew that if I attempted no-mind meditation today it would be pointless. I increased my meditation time, and after settling into my four-fold breath, let myself visualize what the protest will look like. I ended up brainstorming ways I can help the people camping out. I’m no camper, and while I plan on protesting during the day, I will drive back and forth to the site. I realized that I could also transport food, laundry, and other necessities for those who do stay.

After banishing I felt a strong sense of inner peace. Maybe this opportunity to transform my rage into action will be fulfilling.

I used camphor resin as incense today, powerful stuff. I think I will reserve that for healing and clearing the mind. As the concrete floor of my temple gets colder and colder, I will need a carpet fairly soon. I plan on painting a circle on an area rug. I know one of the inscriptions for the circle will be my motto – Quero Regnum – “I seek the Kingdom”. Still debating on what the rest will be. I looked as AC*’s example for Liber ABA. God names may make an appearance.

*Yes, I am making my peace with Aleister Crowley. I have ordered The Magick of Aleister Crowley by Lon Milo DuQuette to further my understanding.