Dream Journal


Apparently in my dream world, the music industry is pretty fucked up.

I dreamt I went to go visit my brother. He was still living in my mom’s old house by the lake. At one point I get left with some of his friends, guys I did not recognize at all. It was one of those uncomfortable moments were you must socialize with people you know you have very little in common with.

The the conversation turned to music. These guys listened to a lot of country, which I pretty much despise. When they asked me what I listened to, to try and fit in, I mentioned I liked John Cougar Mellencamp. (This is a bit of a stretch. In my 135 GB of music I have not one song my JCM. I don’t think I’ve heard one in years. I do, however, appreciate his populist political stance. He’s a tolerable rock & roll musician. I wouldn’t run screaming from a place playing his music.)

After admitting this, one of the guys mentioned that John Cougar Mellencamp had teamed up with David Byrne, and they now play music with the remaining members of the Grateful Dead.

I don’t remember anything else from this dream, but I’d pay money to see that act.