Magick Working Journal

I keep thinking about my summoning of Orias and the relative lack of results. Or at least the results I wanted. It occurs to me that the creature I perceived did not resemble any of the goetic descriptions given for that spirit. In fact, I now have to face the question that what I contacted may not have been Orias at all. But what was it?

The spirit I saw was humanoid in almost all respects. Taller than the average man, but not much, his face seemed elongated and thin, with no hair on this head. He had pale skin, the exact color I could not discern. His face was featureless except for six almond-shaped eyes, completely black, in two rows on either side of his face. I’ve yet to find a known spirit fitting that description.

I have seen mention of a creature from Satanic tradition, a six-eyed wolf which leads the lambs to slaughter. Not exactly a comforting thought. Though what I saw was not a wolf, so not an exact fit either.

Of course, it could still be Orias, simply making himself known to me in a different form.

I am putting out a goetic APB for this demon. Have any of my fellow tumblr magicians heard of or seen a spirit fitting this description?