Lord Pan, sexually charged as usual and in the process of seducing Maenad
Month: April 2013
Although I am a typical loner in my daily life, my awareness of belonging to the invisible community of those who strive for truth, beauty, and justice has prevented me from feelings of isolation.
I didn’t know Einstein was on tumblr 😉
To turn Apocalypse into Jubilee in the early 21st century, three things are required:
We have to understand the necessity for total system change. Only by linking different campaigns, protests, and struggles together in a general assault on the system that is at the root of humanity’s problems can we hope to solve them.
We have to understand the centrality of the working class to any serious strategy for system change. Only by mobilising the majority of ordinary working people can we find the power to confront and defeat corporate capital and the nation-states.
We have to organise the revolutionaries into networks of activists able to lead and organise mass resistance from below, fanning anti-austerity anger into a wave of working-class struggle that eventually swells into a new world-revolutionary movement comparable with, but greater than, those of 1789, 1848, 1917, 1968, and 1989.Another world has become an absolute historical necessity. Another world is possible. The revolution is, in this sense, an ‘actuality’.
But it is not a certainty. It has to be fought for. Its achievement depends on what all of us do. And the historical stakes have never been higher.
Ring the bells!
Light candles!
Burn incense!
Give offerings to the gods!
Rejoice! The temple is reopened!
Glory unto Thoth for the gift of the word.
Ave Babalon, sweet goddess of passion.
Can we get some pics of your temple? I mean, unless that would break a spell.
That’s uncanny. I was just about to do just that.
So my current crop of beta readers have kind of crapped out on me. I need some more serious critique of my work before it’s ready to publish. If you’re interested, have a decent grasp of the English language, and have the time to read and critique 20,000 words every two weeks for the next couple of months, please let me know.
Throwing myself into self-publishing means I need my work to be the very best. I can’t afford professional editors at this point, and I know I’m no where near perfect.
If you’re interested, please drop your email in my ask box. I would appreciate it more than I can say here.
Doing magick by accident, new at scrollofthoth.com
Be forewarned Consilium of Tumblr Magicians, your new Grand High Poo-Bah is a putz