Follow the Bird – The Bird is the Word

In his book Star.Ships, Gordon White makes a strong case for Oceania (the geographic region encompassing Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia, and the island chains surrounding Indonesia) as the source for a pre-ice age, advanced human civilization, often referred to as Atlantis. According to Gordon, the sapiens’ migration out of Africa can be traced directly to Oceania and the population there. 

After the last ice age, all of this area flooded, creating a basis for the ubiquitous flood myth and covering over a large percentage of the land mass in that part of the world. Remnants of that civilization migrated back west, and founded the great civilizations of antiquity.

Here’s my humble contribution of evidence. To follow the diaspora of magi from Atlantis, follow the bird. Our friend, Threskiornis (i.e. the Ibis, also the basis for my magical name). 


Threskiornis aethiopicus, the African Sacred Ibis.

Here’s where they currently live. 

Note, they are no longer in Egypt, but certainly were in Egypt during antiquity, as evidenced by the hundreds of mummified Ibis found in tombs. When Egyptians saw the birds dipping their beaks in the Nile, it reminded them of a scribe dipping their pen in an inkwell, hence the Ibis being the animal most commonly associated with Thoth.

Now here is Threskiornis moluccus, the Australian white Ibis and their current habitat.

You may be saying to yourself, “hey, that’s the same fucking bird.” And you would be right. In fact, both belong to a superspecies complex, and only have minor genetic differences.

I propose that when the ancient magi took the Word of magick and culture with them, they also took the Bird, and that the spirit of Threskiornis has a pre-historic connection to humans and magick. Whether they went with humans out of Africa, or were brought to Africa on the return migration is yet to be determined.

Alternatively, the magi were lead by the spirit of Threskiornis as they migrated between the two, essentially following the Word.

Prayer for today

Oh divine arbiter! I’m going to court today, and I got two wonderful kids that can go with some amazing foster parents to their forever home. Let’s have this thing go off without a hitch.

I am thy writing palette, oh Thoth, and I have brought unto thee thine ink jar.

Praise Djhuety!

from the p. anastasi V 9.2-10.2

“Come to me, Thoth, O noble Ibis,
O God Who loves Hermopolis;
O letter-writer of the Ennead,
Great One Who dwells in Heliopolis!
Come to me and give me counsel,
Make me skillful in Your calling;
Better is Your calling than all callings,
It makes men great.
He who masters it is found fit to hold office,
I have seen many whom You have helped;
They are now among the Thirty (the Counsel of the Thirty, blessed beings),
They are strong and rich through Your help.
You are He Who offers counsel,
Fate and Fortune are with You,
Come to me and give me counsel,
I am a servant of Your House (the Temple).
Let me tell of Your valiant deeds,
Wheresoever I may be;
Then the multitudes will say:
“Great are they, the deeds of Thoth!”
Then they’ll come and bring their children,
To assign them to Your calling,
A calling that pleases the Lord of Power (Osiris),
Happy is he who performs it”

Frater T Explains the Egyptian Coffin Texts Pt 4

Okay, I’ll stop now (unless people really want me to continue with this spell by spell). But I will leave you with this:

The Egyptian Coffin Texts, in their entirety, are a receipt for the bribe you paid the temple priests. You see they are promising to say prayers for you long after you are dead. Essentially, you’ll have a bunch of highly trained magicians treating you like a great ancestor. This is spiritual currency in the land of the dead. The whole purpose of this is so you have a good time in the afterlife.

Frater T Explains the Egyptian Coffin Texts

Spell 3

“Ho! Take your staff, your loincloth and your sandals, and go down to the Tribunal, that you may be vindicated against your foes, male or female, against those who would harm you, and those who would have judgement against you in the Tribunal of Osiris on this happy day.”

Frater T’s Interpretation: Get your shit together, now. For the Day of the Lord cometh, like a thief in the night. If you fucked up, the gods will not be on your side. Appease the gods through Ma’at living. And if you have shortcomings make sure you have a good lawyer in the afterlife.

Frater T Explains the Egyptian Coffin Texts

Spell 2

“Geb has commanded, and the Double Lion has repeated, that you be given your soul which is in the earth and your shade which is in the hidden places.

Ho! Raise yourself, that you may be vindicated against your foes.”

Frater T’s Interpretation: When you dead, all them motherfuckers who talked shit about you when you were alive will be bragging to people that they were your friend.

Frater T Explains the Egyptian Coffin Texts

The Egyptian Coffin Texts – Spell 1, Paragraph 1.

“Here begins the book of vindicating a man in the realm of the dead. Ho! You are the Lion, you are the Double Lion, you are Horus, Protector of his father, you are the fourth of these four gods who are powerful and strong, who bring water and make the Nile through the power of their fathers. raise yourself on your left side, put yourself on your right side.”

Frater T’s Interpretation: Remember magus, when dealing with spirits, if someone asks if you are a god you say, yes! Your ancestors are strong and if you have been honoring them they will back your play.