Frater T Explains the Egyptian Coffin Texts Spell 7

This one is particularly awesome, and you know why.

“The vindication of a man against his foes is brought about in the realm of the dead. The earth was hacked up when the Rivals fought, their feet scooped out the sacred pool in On . Now comes Thoth adorned with his dignity, for Atum has ennobled him with strength, and the Two Great Ladies are pleased with him. So the fighting is ended, the tumult is stopped, the fire which went forth is quenched, the anger in the presence of the Tribunal of the God is calmed, and it sits to give judgement in the presence of Geb.”

Interpretation: In life, you been fighting with people all the time and now you think you gonna carry on that way in the land of the dead. But you ain’t. ‘Cause Thoth is coming to give you the smack down and you gonna halve to calm your tits.

“And the Two Great Ladies are pleased with him.” Oh, yeah. 

Frater T Explains the Egyptian Coffin Texts Spell 6

“How great is the monthly festival of the height of heaven, even the festival of the New Moon! The finger is removed from upon you, your trembling is taken away, since you have planted the plume at the horizon, at the place where are those who know you. You suck at your mother Sothis as your nurse who is in the horizon, Isis sits by you, she makes you bright, she makes for you fair ways of vindication against your foes, and those who would have judgement against you in the realm of the dead on this happy day.”

Interpretation: There’s gonna be some dope ass parties after you’re dead.

Frater T Explains the Egyptian Coffin Texts

The Egyptian Coffin Texts – Spell 1, Paragraph 1.

“Here begins the book of vindicating a man in the realm of the dead. Ho! You are the Lion, you are the Double Lion, you are Horus, Protector of his father, you are the fourth of these four gods who are powerful and strong, who bring water and make the Nile through the power of their fathers. raise yourself on your left side, put yourself on your right side.”

Frater T’s Interpretation: Remember magus, when dealing with spirits, if someone asks if you are a god you say, yes! Your ancestors are strong and if you have been honoring them they will back your play.