Emergent Magick – DMT

DMT, short for N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, comes in many forms and methods
of consumption. DMT occurs naturally in many organisms, both plant and animal,
including human beings. A rise in the popularity of Ayahuasca, a traditional
brew made by shaman in indigenous tribes of South America, has raised awareness
of DMT. Ayahuasca has many side effects and requires an experienced shaman to
create the brew and guide the experience. We recommend you defer to them when
seeking out that particular form of DMT. We will focus on another form of DMT,
with much shorter and intense effects. 5-MeO-DMT can be extracted from specific
plants and even from the venom of certain frogs. While there is some
traditional practices that use 5-MeO-DMT, in most countries it comes in the
form of crystals, or sometimes a resin, that the user vaporizes and inhales.

Of all the psychedelics listed here, DMT has had the least research.
Most of what we know comes from the users themselves. People have reported
nausea, heart palpitations, rise in body temperature, and other minor symptoms.
Most doctors agree it is virtually impossible to overdose on DMT. No fatalities
from DMT have been recorded. Some claim that DMT can be used to help with
depression and fight addiction, but clinical evidence is sorely lacking.

Inhaled DMT will most likely be the most powerful hallucinogen a magus
will ever experience. In the largest doses that can be consumed at once, DMT
only lasts five to fifteen minutes. During that time, you will not have the
presence of mind to consume any more. In fact, DMT is not a good-time, party
drug. It does nothing to benefit the social experience. Feelings of euphoria
come only after the drug subsides, some of it coming from the sheer joy of
surviving the experience. A sufficient dose of DMT will obliterate all sense of
self. The user loses all senses, and is overwhelmed by visions of undulating
geometric shapes, intense colors, and sound. During a DMT trip, the most you
will do is lie there and take it. A few claim to have communication with alien
entities when on DMT, but the communication is difficult to put into words.
Some say that taking DMT is the closest thing to experiencing death, as the
visions overtake all other mental processes for the short time they last,
leaving the user totally without function. If this sounds frightening, it
should and it is. But few experiences will work so well to convince a magus
that everything they perceive is pure illusion. One hit of DMT is an initiatory
experience all its own. You will walk away changed.