Tarot Readings

In case you missed my post earlier, I have been a huge Nine Inch Nails fan for over twenty years, but I have never seen them live. I now have a chance to see them in Chicago, and tickets go on sale on May 19th. If I can afford them.

So I am running a special on full, three-card readings for $9 dollars. 

For a three-card reading I set up an altar properly banished and blessed. Working with spirits well known to me, I pull three cards and divine their personal meaning for you. You can ask a specific question, or just ask for a general reading.

You may choose from one of the following decks for your reading:

The Light Visions Tarot  (a deck I received for my birthday with fantastic art)

The Tarot of Ceremonial Magick (my standard go-to deck, I will use this one if you voice no preference)

The Necronomicon Tarot (this deck always gives brutal answers)

The Magician Longs to See (Twin Peaks) Tarot (a surprisingly excellent deck)

The Mage: The Ascension Tarot (because I’m a geek)

The Shadowrun Tarot by Echo Chernix (because I’m a geek that loves Echo Chernix, that’s one of her pieces I am currently using as a backdrop for my tarot altar)

At the end, I pull a Portals of Chaos card to find an entity that can help you with any tasks or obstacles described by the cards.

You can contact me for three-card readings on tumblr or through the contact page at the Scroll of Thoth website.

Please reblog if you think your followers would be interested.