You Will Not Tame The Red Goddess

In response to those who have contended that the #Ave
Babalon tag is nothing but an excuse for porn, I hereby state that I will post
any picture submitted to me, of any individual invoking Babalon, in any state
of dress or undress, with the tag #Ave Babalon.

And anyone who believes that Babalon is not a goddess of
love, lust, and sex workers, should just go worship Athena and get on with
their life.

Emergent Magick: Purpose

In the end, any magus that continues to practice the art will eventually shift their practice away from Operative Magick to Illumination. Illumination starts with finding one’s True Will, but often includes exploring the nature of the universe the magus is a part of. The realization of universal consciousness is a good start, but to truly internalize such an idea requires repeated altered states of consciousness. The absolute acceptance of the unity of consciousness remains elusive for most of us. No ritual or spell, no single exercise can lead a magus to true realization. It requires a lifetime, or some believe, lifetimes to accomplish. The Protocols of the Order of Emergent Magi state, “EMK is the slow magick; the long invocation.” EMK accepts that a magus does not manifest their True Will in any given moment, but creates a life that embodies it.

Liber F.pdf

Liber F.pdf