Today I began the exercises proscribed in Liber E in preparation for my application to the A.·.A.·.
Tag: magick
Tarot File
An excel file listing all of the Thoth Tarot cards. Designed for use with the physical clairvoyance exercise in Liber E.
For Sale
Magick Without Tears, A. Crowley, New Falcon Press edition. Good Condition $50 plus shipping costs. (Current cheapest price on Amazon is $65.)
Dear Tumblr Occultists (that includes all you pagans, thelemites, ceremonial magicians, satanists, wiccans, witches, et al., except you re-constructionists, you’ll never learn)
As a forty-two year old human being, I feel like I shouldn’t have to do things like this anymore but obviously there’s a need.
Why do you waste your time telling people their interpretation of a symbol/deity/practice is wrong?
Why is it wrong? Because some book told you otherwise? Because a bunch of other people believe differently?
Could it be that what they are expressing is their own personal interpretation of the mystery? Could it be that it is no less valid than anyone else’s?
Have you ever stopped and asked, “why did you interpret it that way?” Maybe they have a good reason.
Maybe the reason you are a shitty magician is that you are unable to grasp the idea that things can have multiple meanings and definitions, sometimes even totally opposite, at the same time.
If someone has a different interpretation of something and can’t justify their reasoning, just move on. Don’t waste your time and look like an asshole trying to tell them the “correct” meaning.
There is no correct meaning.
There is no “is.”
Nothing remains true. All limits change.
The search continues
I have had one branch of the A.’.A.’. actually contact me. In their branch, the nearest mentor would be in Toronto or California. It seems somewhat pointless to join a group that I would never be able to meet with on any consistent basis. It’s not that I’m not willing to travel, but really, you don’t have anyone in Chicago? I find it hard to believe that practitioners are so rare.
My course of study for the next 3+ months
1. THE EQUINOX from No. I to the current number.
2. “Raja Yoga,” by Swami Vivekananda.
3. “The Shiva Sanhita,” or “The Hathayoga Pradipika.”
4. “Konx Om Pax.”
5. “The Spiritual Guide,” by Miguel de Molinos.
6. “777.”
7. “Rituel et Dogme de la Haute Magie,” par Eliphas Levi, or its translation, by A.E. Waite.
8. “The Goetia of the Lemegeton of Solomon the King.”
9. “Tannhäuser,” by A. Crowley
10. “The Sword of Song,” by A. Crowley
11. “Time,” by A. Crowley
12. “Eleusis,” by A. Crowley
[These four last items are to be found in his Collected Works.]
13. “The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abra-melin the Mage.”
14. The Tao Teh King and the Writings of Kwang Tzu (Sacred Books of the East, Vols. XXXIX, XL).
I have found someone in the A.’.A.’. that actually answers emails. This is a good sign.
I want you to read this book. My Babylon is a dark, modern exploration of esoteric beliefs and one man’s personal trip through the Abyss. It can be described as a “Thelemic fairy tale,” urban fantasy, and occult horror.
In My Babylon, the magus, consumed with longing, seeks to create a replacement for his lost love using a grisly ritual that requires the theft of a body. Through her creation, he learns that he has a much bigger role to play, and that she may be a form of salvation not only for him but for others.
I believe if you try this book, you’ll want to read the the series. That’s why I’ve created so many options for you to GET THIS BOOK FOR FREE.
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Liber Resh vel Helios – Happy Summer Solstice
0. These are the adorations to be performed by aspirants to the A.·. A.·.
1. Let him greet the Sun at dawn, facing East, giving the sign of his grade. And let him say in a loud voice:
Hail unto Thee who art Ra in Thy rising, even unto Thee who art Ra in Thy strength, who travellest over the Heavens in Thy bark at the Uprising of the Sun.
Tahuti standeth in His splendour at the prow, and Ra-Hoor abideth at the helm.
Hail unto Thee from the Abodes of Night!
2. Also at Noon, let him greet the Sun, facing South, giving the sign of his grade. And let him say in a loud voice:
Hail unto Thee who art Ahathoor in Thy triumphing, even unto Thee who art Ahathoor in Thy beauty, who travellest over the heavens in thy bark at the Mid-course of the Sun.
Tahuti standeth in His splendour at the prow, and Ra-Hoor abideth at the helm.
Hail unto Thee from the Abodes of Morning!
3. Also, at Sunset, let him greet the Sun, facing West, giving the sign of his grade. And let him say in a loud voice:
Hail unto Thee who art Tum in Thy setting, even unto Thee who art Tum in Thy joy, who travellest over the Heavens in Thy bark at the Down-going of the Sun.
Tahuti standeth in His splendour at the prow, and Ra-Hoor abideth at the helm.
Hail unto Thee from the Abodes of Day!
4. Lastly, at Midnight, let him greet the Sun, facing North, giving the sign of his grade, and let him say in a loud voice:
Hail unto thee who art Khephra in Thy hiding, even unto Thee who art Khephra in Thy silence, who travellest over the heavens in Thy bark at the Midnight Hour of the Sun.
Tahuti standeth in His splendour at the prow, and Ra-Hoor abideth at the helm.
Hail unto Thee from the Abodes of Evening.
5. And after each of these invocations thou shalt give the sign of silence, and afterward thou shalt perform the adoration that is taught thee by thy Superior. And then do thou compose Thyself to holy meditation.
6. Also it is better if in these adorations thou assume the God-form of Whom thou adorest, as if thou didst unite with Him in the adoration of That which is beyond Him.
7. Thus shalt thou ever be mindful of the Great Work which thou hast undertaken to perform, and thus shalt thou be strengthened to pursue it unto the attainment of the Stone of the Wise, the Summum Bonum, True Wisdom and Perfect Happiness.