I also work with the modern chaos magick elements.

Space, as in dimensional space (not outer space), that which we all move in, corresponds with Air.

Forces, which includes heat, light, gravity, and radiation, corresponds with Fire. 

Matter, the most common way things are represented in the material universe, corresponds with Earth.

Time, the passage of all things forwards and backwards in order, corresponds with Water.

Then I have an element I developed personally (though there may be others that have come to the same conclusion).

Information, that which makes up the universe. All things are at their root only information we perceive. 

I understand what you mean. I don’t think you need to give thanks for every magical act. I do, however, give thanks to all entities involved. I even give offerings to goetic demons when I summon them. 

How do you give thanks to the universe? Acts of compassion would be my answer.

Faceandname asked: Do you follow a particular magical path?

I consider myself a chaos magician. Most of my magick is ceremonial in nature. I borrow a lot from thelemic magick and wicca.


So now that I’ve gone and written out in detail my own banishing ritual, I think I’m gonna try the Star Ruby tonight. The only problem I have with it is calling on Therion. My biggest problems with Crowley’s magick comes from when he tries to insert himself into it. As long as I keep in mind Therion is the Beast and not Crowley, I think it will go well.

Episode 2: Magical Training in the OTO

Episode 2: Magical Training in the OTO

Episode 2: Magical Training in the OTO

Episode 2: Magical Training in the OTO

Arnaut Rosseau’s Fantastic Cavalcade of Tumblings: Living with Our Lady Babalon

Arnaut Rosseau’s Fantastic Cavalcade of Tumblings: Living with Our Lady Babalon

This Magick Shit Works!

After just two days of returning to my practice of daily ritual banishing, I got rid of the most malignant force in my life – my job!

Yep, I got fired today for refusing to throw people out of their homes. 

Your sympathy can be expressed in the form of buying books. Matchmaker should be available on Amazon in the next couple of days. My Babylon is still scheduled for the 30th.